hope sign

hope sign

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Lens of Offensive

My Grandsons Feet...
Kissable, chunky, wonderful feet.
 I wonder where they will take them someday

Some people choose to live their lives through a lens of offense.  Always looking around for a reason to be offended.  Questioning every one's motives, actions and words.  Even when offered a sincere apology, the offense continues and builds a wall of resentment, bitterness, division and strife.  

Why would we choose to live this way?  

We are poisoning ourselves from the inside out.  

How do we stop living life this way?

FORGIVENESS...we have to choose to forgive even before we are asked.  Choose to believe that most of the time, we are offended accidentally.  There was no intent of hurt or slight.  

THANKFULNESS...we have to choose to be thankful. Most of life disappointments and let downs are a sign of our unthankful hearts.  

We disobey, stir up strife, covet, lash out, build up walls, cheat, neglect worship, forget to pray (habitually), fill our own storehouses when others are lacking, compare ourselves and etc, because of our unthankful hearts.  

CHANGE OUR PERSPECTIVE...this is also a choice. When I am looking through the lens of my camera, I am not always at the correct angle for the best photo of the subject.  Sometimes, I have to adjust myself because I cannot adjust the subject.  So I adjust what I can control and leave what I cannot control alone. Then I can see the subject in the best light.  That will show in my final product.  We are like the photographer...most of the time, we need to adjust ourselves, to find the best light in someone else.  Oh, how hard that is.  We would much rather them do the adjusting.  After all, it is their responsibility how we see them...NOT true.  It is our choice.  

Truthfully, at times, the photographer has to get into some really uncomfortable, not flattering positions int order to obtain the best light...it's about the subject, not the photographer.  It's about others not about you.  

One of my favorite photos of Me and Henry

This is a subject that is dear to my heart because I have seen so many friendships and families destroyed because of offenses.  

Here is my prayer...

Lord, give me a heart for others.  Let me see them as you see them...through the eyes of love and compassion.  When I get offended, remind me that you love that person and so do I.  Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.  Let all that I do and say be with love.  Let all that I do and say bring honor to Your name because I am a reflection of You. In the Name of Jesus.  Amen.

A simple prayer it is and you may have something a little more flowery and poetic and that is wonderful. If you do, please share it with me.  I love poetry.  

I hope you adjust your prospective and live life in forgiveness and thankfulness.  It's a much better life.

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