hope sign

hope sign

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Where Have I Been?

Where have I been you ask?  All over the place!  Since the summer has started, it has been, a graduation party, funeral, conference, traveling, grand babies, children, church and yesterday, Bo and I celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary...busy just cannot describe the last week and a half.  I haven't even had time to do my laundry.  Let's just say, things are piling up at home.

25 years together
I love this man

Today is a new day that will definitely consist of some laundry, blogging (reading and writing), bathroom scrubbing and then church.

I am so excited about the church part.  Tonight and throughout the month of July, on Wednesday Nights, our Next Generation Worship Team will be leading worship.  We got a sneak peek during the conference at Cathedral of Restoration.  It was powerful.  These young men and women are stepping out and leading others to the altar of God.  Allowing God to become their Lord and not just their Savior.  There is a difference.

I really never thought of it before.  What is the difference between God being our Lord and God being our Savior?  It's all in what authority we give Him.  In the Merriam Webster dictionary it defines lord as: One having power and authority over others.  When you allow God to have power and authority over your life, you are giving Him control.  It goes way beyond saying that He saved you or rescued you from Hell or destruction.  It goes beyond what happened when you were in the middle of your mess and He brought you out.  What happens after the Savior part?  What part do you allow God to play in your life.

Many of us don't like to think about God putting demands on us.  We like to focus on the part of Him loving us and forgiving us.  I love the Grace and Mercy part.  But what about the Call?  Merriam Webster dictionary defines call as: to make a request or demand.  

Mark 16:14-16The Message (MSG)

14-16 Still later, as the Eleven were eating supper, he appeared and took them to task most severely for their stubborn unbelief, refusing to believe those who had seen him raised up. Then he said, “Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all. Whoever believes and is baptized is saved; whoever refuses to believe is damned.  (link)

It's a process of allowing God to become more to us than just our Savior.  Making or allowing Him to be LORD in our lives takes discipline and a conscious decision.  The Next Generation Worship Team is doing just that.  It takes practice and prayer, commitment and faithfulness.

Just like the William McDowell song "Expecting"...that's the way I feel about tonight's service.

I’m expecting.
A Move of God.
A Move of God.


I’m expecting.
A Move of God.
A Move of God.

We won’t be satisfied 
heaven invades our lives
Move oh God.
Move oh God.

And we’ll see
Blind Eyes Opened
Cities and regions changed
I Believe.
We will see a move of God.

Well, I must go and get started on my chores for the day.  I pray you each have a Blessed Day!!

Here are some happy baby pics to make you smile.

Landon sleeping on his Daddy

Sadie kept rolling away...
Landon is staring at Lauren, I think
Luke, not sure what he is looking at.

I love this of Sadie...reminds me so much of Cheryl's baby pics

Look at my sweet grandson, Parker
You could get lost in those eyes.

Another of Sadie smiling so BIG!!!

Luke smiling at Grammy...he's such a good baby
Look at that face...PERFECTION

Henry loving his spaghetti and spaghetti balls (his words)

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