hope sign

hope sign

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rest, Relax, Love Is On The Way

I, Jude, am a slave to Jesus Christ 
and brother to James, 
writing to those loved by God the Father, 
called and kept safe by Jesus Christ. 
everything’s going to be all right; 
everything’s coming together; 
open your hearts, 
love is on the way!
Jude 1:1,2 MSG

I sometimes write down scripture in a journal.  It helps me to remember it when I write it down.  It's part of my learning process.  I also felt like it was something that I was suppose to do because we are told to write it down.  When the future generations from my branch of the family tree look at what was important to me, I want them to know that the Word of God was my guide, inspiration, handbook...it was more than a book of stories but instructions on how to live and love.  It has given me correction, comfort, rebuke, peace...Jesus. 

This morning as I was sitting at my desk, looking outside at the birds and wishing it was warm again, I felt the urging to look in my journal.  I turned to the scripture above.  I sometimes write the scripture in King James or New King James but when I wrote out Jude, I used the Message.  I love the second verse..."Relax, everything's going to be all right, rest, everything's coming together, open you hearts, love is on the way".  
I thought this was funny
I've posted it before but it still makes me laugh

Sometimes, we read scripture and it doesn't sink in or we are not open to what it has to say at that time. Today, this passage jumped right off the page at me.  Jude was writing to encourage the church, his letter was pure love and a passionate warning to save them.  This letter is still speaking to us today.  

Sometimes, we need to be reminded that LOVE IS ON THE WAY!!!  We don't have to do anything to earn it, it's been provided, so we can relax and rest in Him.  I try so many times to make things happen. The problem is, I can make things worse.  If I just stop and let Him work it out, everybody is better off. My maneuvering will only hinder what God is doing for me, in me or through me.  

So today, I am going to pray about it, relax and rest, knowing that I am in His hands and LOVE IS ON THE WAY!!  

Pure relaxation...
Henry & Aunt Scovia  

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Kimi, going to read that passage of scripture
