I love days when I have the energy and time to clean out dressers and closets. Bagging up clothes that we don't wear anymore for someone who needs them and will wear them. Switching out the summer clothes for the winter clothes. Finding out you have so many socks but very few matches. Getting rid of all your husbands socks with holes in them and then wondering why he kept them for so long when he has plenty without holes. It's such a great feeling to lighten up and clean up the space in your home. At least, that is the way it is for me. Putting everything in it's place and if it doesn't have a place, it must go into storage or out of the house. I just want to say, AHHHHHHHHH...now that felt good.
Now onto what I am learning right now...
Bo getting ready to pray with the Friday Night Light kids. |
We take care of the things that we are thankful for. Making sure that it is always cared for. When I become too bogged down with schedules and responsibilities, I must decide what is most important. When I figure that out then it is so much easier to go on in excellence. You see, we are not required to be everything to everyone. We don't have to have our hands in all activities. We don't have to be number one with all people. There are times we must sift through and see what is necessary and what isn't.
My husband reminded me that we must always strive for excellence in everything we do. If we have too much going on, something is gonna get neglected and done half way. So choose to do less and do them with excellence than many with mediocrity. Not to mention, you enjoy what you are doing so much more if you aren't divided in your focus.
This is not easy when you like to be involved in everything. I have to say that it is liberating. We have the time to be thankful and appreciate life and those around us. We are much more pleasant to be around when we are not so stressed.
So let me challenge you today, in everything you do, do it with all excellence. Do it with joy and thanksgiving. It will make your day so much better.
A thankful heart is a heart full of love.
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