hope sign

hope sign

Thursday, October 31, 2013

What Do I Treasure?

I am a nosey person by nature.  I like to be "in the know".  I like to be included and to get all the juicy gossip.  Well, lets just say, that's the way I used to be.  Not anymore.  Sure I still like to be included but all the other stuff, it's cumbersome.  It restricts my ability to serve and love.  It fills my mind with things that only cause me harm and I begin to take on the offenses of others...just TOO MUCH!!!  

I had been getting updates from a Christian Journal or Newspaper every day.  To be honest, they sent so many updates, it was more like 20 a day.  I would read some and my heart began to become heavy and fear started building in me.  One out of twenty articles were positive.  Yesterday, I had enough.  I unfollowed, cancelled my subscription.  Why?  Because I don't need to know about every Pastor's failures, how the church isn't doing what it is suppose to be doing, how one Pastor is putting down every other Pastor and the infighting within the church.  It doesn't do a thing for my spirit.  Are these kind of things really going on?  Yes.  But God is still on His Throne and He uses imperfect people, that's the only reason he can use me.  If He only called perfect people, we would all be doomed.  

Instead of focusing on the negative press, lets focus on the ones who are laying it all on the line for Jesus.  Who are building the Kingdom of God around the world.  Men and women who say, "This is what I treasure."  Bishop said last night, "We measure the worth of any treasure by what we are willing to give up to have it."  The Martyrs for Christ are giving up everything to build the Kingdom.  True Hero's.  

Today, I don't need to know all the gossip around the world regarding Pastor or Bishop So and So.  I don't need to know what the church of what's happening now is doing.  I need to focus on the task that God has set before me.  I need to look within myself and see what I am willing to give up for what I treasure.  What do I treasure?  That is a tough question.  

My heart has heard you say,
"Come and talk with me"
and my heart responds,
"Lord, I am coming".
Psalms 27:8 NLT

My sister wrote a song many years ago.  I have shared it on here before but it started going through my mind yesterday afternoon and then after Bishop preached last night.  During the altar call, the presence of God began to flow from one person to the next.  I started singing this song again and even this morning, I am still humming it, drawing in His sweet aroma.

I can be free in your presence
Offering all I am
Releasing my pain
Feeling no shame for who I was
Cause I now know who I am.
I must be alone with you
Before my day is through
Guide me by your grace
Until I see your face
Abiding in 
The presence of the King
by Christian Estep Wright

I encourage you today, spend some time in the presence of the King.  He desires to talk with you...say, Lord, I am coming.  Fill your mind and spirit with the Good News of the Gospel.  Remember that you are loved by the one who created you, breathed life into your body.  Taste and see the goodness of the LORD.  

Be Blessed.

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