hope sign

hope sign

Monday, March 25, 2013

Unexpected Surprises

Yes, we woke up to a snowy world this morning.  THIS MORNING!!!  My cousin wrote on Facebook, "What a lovely Winter this Spring is turning out to be".  He always makes me laugh.  We can easily reconcile snow in the beginning of March but at the end, it offends us.  So I am going to post some pics of my trip to Florida, the first full week of March.  Yes, I feel like I am moving backwards with regards to the weather.  

Mommy and our baby girl

Can you see the man walking in his swimming trunks?
Yes, I know this pic is blown out but I love it anyway.
You can only see some of the sand…very cool

Daddy and our baby girl

My handsome hubby and me.  It was a little chilly…73 degrees

Looking out over the ocean…beautiful sky and day

I am loving the beauty of the snow and I am looking forward to the beauty of the Spring.  Even in our disappointments, we can find the beauty.  With all the sickness around our area, the cold is probably a good thing.  

So today as you are coloring eggs inside while the snow is swirling outside, remember how blessed you are and that soon the sun will be shining on daffodils, tulips, green grass and soon you can bask in the heat of it all. 

I pray you each have a lovely day all warm and cozy inside.  Even unexpected surprises add to living the BLESSED LIFE.

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