hope sign

hope sign

Monday, January 14, 2013

Failing Printer Does Not Equal Happy Mom!!!

We are still in full wedding swing around here.  I have been trying to get all the place cards printed and guess what?  My printer has decided to stop working.  Half way through the printing process.  Happy? NO! Frustrated? YES!  It has been a good printer but it decided to stop working right when I am in great need.  Now I must take all the printing I need to do for this wedding, to the office.  I know it is not a big thing but when you are having a wedding in 5 days, little things become big things.

There, now I feel better.  I know this is not the place to vent my frustrations, but I have been trying unsuccessfully, to fix the printer for about an hour.  I thought I had found a solution but it was a no go.  I think I will fill up my humidifier in the family room and watch a show with Henry.  He is my good place.

My posts may be a little on the emotional side this week.  I always get emotional when I have been sick or am sick and my daughter is getting married and my daughter and grandson are now on their last week living in our home.  Yes, I know they will be here a lot but I am also aware that it is not the same.  I love waking up to little feet running down the hall to see Dammy & Pop.  I love when he comes in from outside and says, "Dammy, I'm home".  These are things that are on my mind today.

I am also thinking about how Jake has lived away from home and Kelcie has been in college for 2 1/2 years but my Juliana has never lived away from home.  Then my mind starts thinking about the Father/Daughter dance at the reception…gotta make sure I wear waterproof mascara.  Yes, I am a bag full of emotions.

I want my baby girl to be happy in her marriage and always feel loved and wanted.  As a mom, I get caught up in the planning of the wedding but in reality, I am always thinking and praying for my girl to have a life full of love, peace, contentment, joy, laughter and all things good.  I know trials will come and life will at times feel like it's falling all around her but I want for her to feel secure and safe in the arms of her husband, family and God.  Some may scoff at the safe and secure part but I will tell you, that is a big part of what makes me happy.  There is nothing better, when I am feeling scared or insecure, than for Bo to hold my hand or put his arms around me.  I know that in the embrace of those arms, I am loved and safe.  I want that for Juliana and Kelcie(when the time comes).

My prayer is for my daughter, Juliana Kimberly VanDyke to live out her Blessed Life with the knowledge that she is blessed.  Some see it and some don't.  It's always better when you can see the blessings that God has given you and appreciate them.  It makes life so much better.

So Happy Monday to you all and I hope you are embracing the Blessed Life that God has provided for you.

The heart God allowed me to see on my walk this past spring
Just etched in the asphalt on the road with little white pebbles
So glad I took a pic…Jesus Loves Me, This I know

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