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hope sign

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Enlarge Our Hearts

I am home now.  We had an amazing time visiting our youngest in Florida.  The weather was perfect and the company was even better. We have some great friends in Florida as well.  Bo and I enjoyed everything but we are glad to be home.  When I climbed into bed last night, I realized how much I had missed my bed.  I do think that I have the most comfortable bed in the world.  I guess that is one of the reasons I had such a hard time getting out of it this morning (well, that and the rain).

I thought being a grandmother and the mother of grown children would be easier, less guilt when you leave, more freedom, less worry…you get the picture.  Well, I hate to say it but I WAS WRONG!!  When I left Henry and my kids, I felt so guilty.  Like I was deserting them.  I just did not feel right going to Disney World and the beach without all my kids.  I took video of the light parade and the fireworks for Henry.  He loved it.  When he watched it and pointed to the phone and said, "I go dare" that settled it…I will be taking the whole family to Disney in the near future.  Well, it might be a year from now but it will happen.

God amazes me how He made us to enlarge our hearts.  We have one kid and cannot imagine loving anyone else as much and then BOOM!  We have another and our heart enlarges and the love is the same and then BOOM!  We have another and our heart enlarges even more.  I didn't think that grandparents love their grandkids as much as their kids but then BOOM!  We have a grand baby and our heart enlarges.  God is so good.  He created us with such a capacity to love.  I am looking forward to the next opportunity for my heart to enlarge even more.

In the words of the late great Dottie Rambo:

Love is a very special thing
A smile, a tear, a soft summer rain
It has no beginning, it has no end
But I like it best, when it's shared with a friend

Love is
never stuffed up
never puffed up
never gives up
when the goings rough
It's the biggest little thing
you can say
by the way

Its sympathy
It's charity
The main variety
of everything happiness is made of
But I like it best when its shared with a friend

I hope you have the opportunity to enlarge your heart today.  Love…A Blessed Life.

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