hope sign

hope sign

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Yes, I Will Take The Pee...

This morning has been one of colds, stomach pain, computer problems, pee on the floor, washing undies and pants only to forget the socks that were also soaked in pee.  But finally, I got the little man cleaned up, the floor mopped up, the computer started working and I got to do my Lent readings.  To say that I felt like going right back to bed would be an understatement.  I have to honestly say that my readings helped me tremendously.  The prayer at the end of my devotional on You Version said, "Lord of wind and sea, help us to follow you, whatever the questions, wherever you lead."  I absolutely love that prayer.  God is moving in the midst of my mess this morning.  It is amazing that He can speak to us when we are in the midst of potty training.  He is amazing.

iPad Mini, Grammy's coffee & Henry's drink

I received an iPad Mini for Christmas from my wonderful hubby.  I had the original iPad and gave it to my nephew when I received the iPad 3 but I gave the 3 to my son when he returned from Africa.  I have found that I get much more use of the Mini than I did the iPad 3.

I love the size and how it fits right in my purse.  I use it at every service for a monitor when I am leading worship and then when I sit down, I use the Bible app.  I downloaded the Kindle app because they have a lot more books available.  I am enjoying that app every single day.  It holds its charge all day.  I thought about recommending it earlier but I truly wanted to make sure that I would use it for more than just an extra computer.  I can honestly say that I love this iPad Mini.  Henry likes it too because he can watch Daniel Tigers Neighborhood on it whenever he wants to.  And it's so light that he can carry it, no problem.

I like it when a plan comes together.  Now, even though I have only one working nostril, and my head feels like it wants to explode, at least I can read a little with words big enough for this girl with aging eyes.(lol)

I am going to find the things to be thankful for today.  I am going to concentrate on my Blessed Life.
You know if my grandson wasn't here I wouldn't have had pee on the floor but I would rather him be here.  So I will take the pee along with the hugs and love.  It's a good life.  Enjoy your day!!

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