hope sign

hope sign

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Awake With A Purpose

Baby Bo with Uncle Patricks wig...lol
The LORD has been calling me deeper and deeper into His Word lately.  It's like an appetite that cannot be satisfied.  My heart ever longs to be connected to His.  My ears anxiously await to hear His voice.  Tears, emotions fill me as I enter into His presence.  I awake with the purpose to read, hear, feel Jesus in my home, heart and mind.  

At times I feel like the little teapot...tip me over and pour me out.  I gotta tell the world who Jesus is.  How much he loves us and desires to be intimate with us.  Sharing his heart and love everyday with his creation...his most prized possession...

James 1:17-18
Whatever is good and perfect 
is a gift coming down to us
from God our Father, 
who created all the lights 
in the heavens.
He never changes or casts
a shifting shadow.
He chose to give birth
to us by giving us his true word.
And we, out of all creation,
became his prized possession.

In this week of Thanksgiving...I am thankful for the WORD of God.  I am thankful for the freedom I so often take for granted.  I am free to study, share and live this life that I am called too.  I can proclaim who Jesus is and what He has done for me.  I can speak the WORD and not be afraid of punishment or death.  I can tell others that there is no one like Jesus.  He is the Only Way...He is Truth...He is Life.  

Please LORD, keep calling me deeper and deeper into your WORD.  Fill my home, my life, my town, my city, my state, my country with your Holy presence.  Anoint our Government leaders with Holy Wisdom and Discernment to guide us and protect us.  Anoint our Pastors, Bishops, Teachers, Churches to declare your WORD in the pulpits, streets, homes, parks...where ever you open the door.  We have so much to be thankful for...so much to give.  Keep us focused on giving and not so much on receiving.  Give us a heart for others.  We acknowledge Who you are and that you are the Creator of it all.  In the Name of Jesus...Amen!!!

I'm calling you deeper to the unknown
I'm calling you to the impossible
To be undone
For I desire to do 
A new work within you
I'm calling you deeper
Deeper still...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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