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Friday, May 23, 2014

Holy Ghost Text

Thursday Morning, I was getting ready for my grandsons Play School Program when I get a text. To tell the truth, I am always running right close to being late for things, so sometimes, I do not look at my phone when it whistles at me.  But Thursday morning, I looked.  It was a text from my dear friend, someone who has become family to us...Julia Courts.  This wonderful woman of God, sent me a short text to let me know that she is praying for me.  I have sent texts like this and I have received them but Thursday morning, it's like the spirit of God filled my bedroom, as soon as I read it.  I've heard of Holy Ghost phone calls, letters, words, songs but never a Holy Ghost text...until Thursday.

We never know what is going to happen when we let someone know we are praying for them or thinking about them.  That text ignited my faith.  I was tired and feeling pressed but after I read that message, I was feeling good.

Love from the center of who you are; 
don’t fake it. 
Run for dear life from evil; 
hold on for dear life to good. 
Be good friends who love deeply; 
practice playing second fiddle. 

That scripture above is how my friend, Julia is every day.  She brings peace with the way she talks and laughs and encourages everyone she meets.  No, she is not a pushover.  She is a strong, discerning, Woman of God.  I am honored to call her my friend.  

My beautiful friend, Julia and her handsome man, John

Let me encourage you this weekend, be that friend to someone.  Give them a little of your time.  You never know when someone really needs it...You could be the difference.  

Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend.  I am so thankful for all the men and women who have served our beloved country, making the ultimate sacrifice for our sacred freedoms.  I honor them today and everyday.  

Flag in Charlestown, Maryland

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