hope sign

hope sign

Friday, February 1, 2013

For The Love Of Learning

A pic I found on my computer.
Do you know who this is?
Here we have another snowy Friday in Cecil County Maryland.  It is so cold outside but absolutely beautiful.  I have been wanting to take another photography class but to be truthful, I don't want to go to the college to do it.  I don't want it to interfere with my Grammy/Henry time or any plans that I have made.  Yes, priorities.  If I really wanted to take a photography class, I would make the time to do it.  I am a firm believer that people do what they want to do (excluding emergencies).

I love photography and I have taken one class at the college but there is so much more to learn.  So I found online this site called Shoot Fly Shoot.  I paid the money and I am retaking a version of Photography 101.  I thought I better do a refresher course that way I can progressively build on what I did not remember.  I have learned about parts of my camera that I did not know even existed.  Yes, I have had this camera for a couple of years and I am still learning.  The motto of Shoot Fly Shoot is "Don't fear the M".  M is for manual mode on the camera.  I am totally enjoying this class.

The Bride & Groom in the Photo booth

Gosh, my little girl is just beautiful.  I can't believe
that she came from me sometimes.  I am blessed.

When I have a couple of minutes, I can press play and watch the videos and then when my free time runs out, I just press pause.  I can stop the video to try out what they are talking about and rewind it to make sure I did it right.  This is just too cool.  They guys are really easy to listen to and I recommend this site to anyone wanting to learn a little more than how to point and shoot.

No, it does not take the place of college instruction but it does help this novice photographer in her endeavors of taking better pictures.  I love to learn new things.  Learning new things, keeps your mind sharp and gives you something to look forward to.  Am I ever going to be a professional, famous photographer?  Nope.  I do want to be better though.  Better than I am right now.  That is my goal.  I will take it one day at a time and hopefully by this time next year, I will be way better than I am today.  Time will tell.  So on this cold, snowy, beautiful day, I am going to watch some videos on how to improve my photo taking abilities.

Fairy house at Epcot…love

I love taking pictures of flowers.  I love the way that light
changes the feeling
Is there something that you want to learn how to do?  Do you have a goal?  It doesn't have to be a huge, life altering goal, just something that will give you a sense of accomplishment.  I think it is important that we all set goals for ourselves, no matter our age or circumstance.  It definitely adds to living truly a BLESSED LIFE!!

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